Purbeck Local Directory

St George's CE VA Primary School in Langton Matravers

St George's CE VA Primary School logo

The school's mission statement is
and we provide a lively, caring, learning community supported by a team of dedicated staff, governors, parents/carers and many volunteers. We are an all-inclusive Christian school, where all children are valued as unique individuals.

St George's is a happy and busy school where we work closely in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that our pupils are inspired to be the very best they can be. We enjoy living in a wonderful environment where enrichment activities are on our doorstep to inspire a lifelong love of learning. We strive to ensure that our pupils are confident individuals, successful learners, responsible citizens and are confident in the knowledge that they are all special.

Address & Contact

St George's CE VA Primary School
High Street

Langton Matravers
BH19 3HB

Phone01929 422973

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