North Beach Cliff Stabilisation in Education resources
In October 2015, work started stabilising the cliffs at North Beach below the Pines Hotel, which has been falling into the sea for many years.
A stone ramp has been constructed on Shore Road to allow access to the beach by the heavy machinery, and all the vehicle movements along the beach are being made at low tide so they can drive around the end of the wooden groynes.
The work to stabilise the cliff is due to be completed by March 2016. Still, the council made a Temporary Traffic Management Order restricting parts of Shore Road to be in place for 18 months from the start date so that the work may overrun into the summer holiday season.
You can click here to download the full size pano image for the seafront.
14th November 2015 Update - The work to add stone to the cliffs is progressing, as shown in the photo below.
14th December 2015 Update - The ongoing work to add stone to the cliffs is progressing, as shown in the photo below.