
Purbeck 24 Off Road Ride Cycling Route

Type: Off Road Ride

Distance: 24 miles

Total Ascent: 450m (approx)

Starting location:

Start from layby on Ulwell Road at the Welcome to Swanage signs
SZ 02171 80919


Explore the hills and heathland in the Isle of Purbeck with everything from woodland singletrack to open forest tracks to explore.

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These routes have been recorded using a Garmin GPS unit. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the available data files due to differences between GPS devices.


1 - Start of Ride - Start in the Layby on Ulwell Road, Exit the layby and turn right towards Studland

2 - Ulwell Road Junction - Turn left at the junction marked Corfe Castle 4 and follow the road up the hill to the T Junction

3 - B3351 T Junction - Turn right at the T junction and follow the road towards Studland past the Golf Course until you come to a small parking area on your left and a wooden gate with a bridleway sign.

4 - B3351 and bridleway - Turn left and go through the wooden gate and follow the track heading North alongside the golf course following signs for Agglestone Rock until you come to a set of double wooden gates

5 - Double Wood Gates - At the double wooden gates continue straight ahead on the wide gravel/stone track heading north and follow the wide track down to Agglestone Rock.

6 - Agglestone Rock - At Agglestone Rock turn left just before you reach the rock and follow the wide track turning right at the next junction and right again at the next path junction until you come to a cross roads.

7 - Cross Roads - At the cross road, continue straight ahead and continue heading North on the wide track to the Ferry Road gate

8 - Ferry Road Junction - At the Ferry Road, go through the gate and turn left following the wide track along the edge of Poole Harbour until you come to a junction with a farm on your right.

9 - Farm Junction - Turn left and follow the wide track around to your right and down a small hill to a river crossing and up to the next gate.

10 - Gate - Go through the gate (sometimes tied open) and follow the wide track keeping to the left at the next junctions until you come to a tarmac road.

11 - Tarmac road Junction - Turn left onto the Tarmac Road and continue until the next Right turn with a junction on your right side.

12 - Junction - Turn right and follow the rough track down a small hill until you come to a junction with the main path going left and a house ahead.

13 - Junction - Turn left and then turn right as the track follows the edge of the trees to a gate.

14 - Gate - Go straight ahead at the gate and follow the path across the open fields until you come to a metal gate and junction with a wide track.

15 - Gate and Junction - Go though the gate and turn left on the wide track down to a cross roads and continue straight ahead until you come to a junction with a tarmac road

16 - Junction and Tarmac road - Turn left onto the tarmac road at the stepped cross road and then right onto the bridleway following the wide sandy track though the trees until you come to a gate at the next road.

17 - Gate and road - Go though the gate and follow the road past farm buildings until you come to a T junction.

18 - Meaduss Lane Junction - Turn right and follow the narrow road up a small hill and left until the next T junction

19 - Thrashers Lane T Junction - At Thrashers Lane cross the junction to a metal gate and then bare right along the bridleway to the next cross roads with a tarmac road and metal gate.

20 - BP road Junction - Go through the metal gate, across the road and next metal gate and follow the bridleway to the next gate and across the open fields down to a stone bridge with two wooden gates (can be very wet in winter)

21 - Wooden Gate and Stone Bridge - Go through the wooden gates across the stone bridge and straight across the next field following the bridleway to the next wooden gate and small wood bridge. Go across the bridge and follow the narrow track to the next gate and open heathland.

22 - Gate and Heathland - Turn left at the gate then right after approx 20m and continue to the narrow tarmac road. There is a small parking area with wooden posts on the opposite side of the road with a narrow path heading West.

23 - Road crossing - Go across the road and follow a narrow path heading West until it forks to the right at a 45 degree angle. Follow this narrow path until you come to a raised wide gravel path. This is the old clayworks railway line.

24 - Middlebere Tramway/Hartland Way - Turn left on to the old tramway and follow the path until it comes to a Y junction with a gate on your left and sandy narrow track to the right.

25 - Middlebere Tramway/Hartland Way Y Junction - Bear right a the Y junction and follow the sandy track on across the open heathland until the track turns right. Continue along the track past the next Y junction and then turn left at the next track T junction.

26 - T Junction - Turn left and follow the track across the heathland until you come to wooden gates and Soldiers Road

27 - Soldiers Road Gate - At the wooden gate go though the gate and turn left onto Soldiers Road. Continue to the T junction with the A351

28 - A351 and Soldiers Road Junction - Turn right onto the A351 (Caution this road is very busy and take care when crossing the road) and follow the road for approx 120m until you come to a narrow entrance on the left with a bridleway sign.

29 - A351 and Bridleway - Turn left and follow the narrow bridleway heading west down a small hill, cross very wet boggy section and then following the narrow path past gorse bushes until you come to a rough road and junction under the railway.

30 - Railway bridge and bridleway crossing - Turn left under the railway bridge then right onto the signposted bridleway and continue along this bridleway until you come to the Furzebrook Road.An alternative route for sections 29 and 30 which can be muddy in winter is to continue along the A351 heading North until the next roundabout then turn left heading South along the Furzebrook Road.

31 - Furzebrook Road - Turn left onto the Furzebrook Road and continue along the road until you come to a turning on your left with a bridleway sign for Norden.

32 - Junction for Norden Singletrack - Turn left onto the narrow singletrack trail and keep to the right at the footpath junctions along the trail going over a wooden bridge and continue heading East until you come to Norden Farm.

33 - Norden Farm - Turn right and follow the farm roads to your left going past the camping areas and through the farm buildings until you come to a T junction with the A351.

34 - A351 Junction - Turn right onto the A351 and follow the road across the next roundabout and down to Corfe Castle. Follow the road as it turns right up past the Castle until you come to the village square on your right side. Please note this road is very busy during the summer months.

35 - East Street and The Square - Turn right in to the village square and left onto West Street following the narrow road heading South through the village. There are several cafes and pubs so this is a ideal time for a break and some food and drink (non alcoholic!)

36 - West Street Start of Corfe Common - At the end of West Street go straight ahead over the cattle grid and follow the narrow road across the common over the next cattle grid until you come to farm buildings with a large water wheel on your left side.

37 - Farm Buildings - Go though the farm yard past the large water wheel and follow the track which bears right past the farm and then left up a rough track heading North/East until you come to a gate on your left into woodland.

38 - Gate and woodland track - Go though the gate and follow the woodland track up the hill until you come to a Y junction with a tarmac road.

39 - Junction with West Street - Turn left onto West Street in Kingston and follow the road down to the junction with the B3069 next to the Scott Arms pub

40 - Kingston Hill and West Street - Turn right / straight head at the junction and follow the B3069 until you come to a T junction on the right with a sign post for Worth Matravers 1

41 - B3069 Junction to Worth Matravers - Turn right at the junction and follow the road to the village of Worth Matravers and the junction next to the Square and Compass pub. This is a very popular pub for walkers and cyclists.

42 - Y Junction at Square and Compass Pub - Turn left and continue up the hill though the village until you come to a bridleway on your right with a wooden gate which is set back from the road.

43 - Priests Way bridleway - Turn right and go though the gate crossing the open field and follow the wide track heading east towards Swanage. There are several gates on this track and it is often busy with walkers all year. Continue along this track for approximately 2 miles until the path turns sharp left with farm buildings on your left side.

44 - Priests Way - Continue past the farm buildings and follow the wide track as it turns left around the field and down to a wide gate and Y Junction

45 - Gate and Y Junction - Go through the gate and turn right up a small hill and follow the bridleway signs through three more gates until you come to a cross roads with a signpost for Swanage.

46 - Junction - Turn left and follow the narrow bridleway down the hill alongside an open field on your right until you come to a cross roads junction.

47 - Cross roads junction - Turn right and follow the narrow track heading east until you come to the junction with Priests Road.

48 - Junction Purbeck View and Priests Way - Turn left and then straight ahead at the next junction onto Priests Road. Follow Priests Road until you come to the junction with Gordon Road on your left.

49 - Gordon Road and Priests Road - Turn left down Gordon Road

50 - High Street and Gordon Road - Turn Right onto the High Street and follow the road down Court Road to the right turn at the bottom of the hill with a junction on your left and also straight ahead onto Court Road.

51 - Kings Road West and Court Road - Continue straight ahead at the bottom of Court Road and follow the road up a small hill to a junction with a stone bridge overlooking the railway.

52 - Court Road and Northbrook Road - Turn left over the bridge and follow Northbrook road heading North to the junction with Victoria Avenue.

53 - Northbrook Road and Victoria Avenue - Continue straight ahead at Victoria Avenue onto Northbrook Road and continue heading North until you come to a mini roundabout.

54 - Northbrook Road and Darkie Lane - Go straight ahead at the roundabout and onto Darkie Lane. Continue up the hill and right past a caravan park until you come to the junction with Ulwell Road.

55 - Ulwell Road and Darkie Lane - Turn left onto Ulwell Road then right into the layby to complete the ride.

Elevation Chart and Map

Move your mouse over the elevation line to view the location on the route map.
