Busses in the old bus yard in SwanageBusses at the old bus yard in SwanageHotel Grosvenor Staff QuartersHotel Grosvenor EntranceFishing Boats and Clock TowerAlong the railingsSwanage Town Centre from the airBusses at the old bus stationVictoria Avenue floodedRowing boat on Kings Road East 1990King Georges Floods in 1990Church Hill and Kings Road floods in 1990Kings Road West Floods in 1990Rupert the Bear Balloon on the DownsStone MosaicNorthbrook Road FloodedKing Georges and Victoria Avenue FloodingCauldron AvenueMill Pond without the ducksMill Pond and CottagesThe Bournemouth Bus 150 at Swanage StationSnowy Swanage from the Townsend Nature ReserveLightning across the bayLightning over Swanage Bay