Golf Course and Pier EntranceSwanage from above the Townsend Stone QuarriesThe Recreation Ground from aboveMiniature golf course and Victorian PierSwanage from above Peveril PointRelaxing on the Downs and Peveril PointPurbeck House Convent and CarsView from the Miners HomeKitchens in the Miners Convalescent HomeThe Warwickshire Miners Convalescent HomeLooking North down Park RoadPhippards Camp SiteView from the Quarrys and Mount Scar SchoolThe Mill Pond and Church Hill 1950sSwanage Town Center from the airLooking across Swanage mid 1900sThe Parade and old Mowlem buildingSwanage from Ballard 1950sKings Road Floods in 1950Flooded Town Square in 1951Flooded Kings Road East in 1951Shore Road in the 1950sSwanage Recreation field from the airGrosvenor Hotel near Swanage Pier